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ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV School was delighted to host the annual celebration for high-achieving IB graduates following the release of results this week.

5 January 2024

Joined by Principal Mark Staker, IB leaders and proud parents, graduates from Adelaide’s IB schools gathered at our Girton Campus for morning tea and a photoshoot with The Advertiser.

A highlight was hearing from ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV’s Elsie Holland, Charles Newbold and Everett Webb about their time in the programme, what ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV means to them, plus their exciting plans for 2024 and beyond.

Elsie hopes to complete a double degree of Law and Environmental Policy & Management at Adelaide University, Charles is planning to undertake a Bachelor of Science at Adelaide University with a focus on Physics, and Everett will enjoy a gap year of work and travel before commencing a Commerce degree, also at Adelaide University.

Best wishes to all of our newest old scholars for the next chapter in your learning journey!

Photo credit: Dean Martin, The Advertiser