The SACE is a high quality, internationally recognised pre-university program that opens pathways leading to vocations and careers, further studies and employment. In South Australia, it is the basic requirement for entry to higher education.
The structure of the SACE is aligned closely with the needs of students, families, higher and further education providers, employers and the ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV. This structure is designed to help students to develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in our modern context and to engage as worthwhile members of their local and global communities. The SACE offers a significant diversity of subjects for study, as well as diverse approaches to learning and assessment, especially in the area of recognition of ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV learning.
There is an emphasis on students actively planning their chosen academic pathway for the senior years, in collaboration with their parents, teachers and ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV mentors. Students can choose to specialise in certain key areas of interest or to maintain a breadth of subjects in these final years, incorporating some of the more flexible elements such as Vocational Education and Training subjects accredited within the SACE program.