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We encourage you to consider supporting the School’s priority projects, for which several funds have been established.

ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV Building Fund

The ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV Building Fund directly supports the School’s Facilities Master Plan which is focused on ensuring that the facilities needed are built on all campuses and sub-schools. Donations to this fund are tax deductible.

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ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV Scholarship Fund

We believe that a ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV education provides the opportunity for children to change their world. The ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV Scholarship Fund provides a range of scholarships including academic, country, Indigenous, needs based and music. Since 2008, ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV has supported over 145 students at an educational disadvantage due to financial difficulties, severe hardship, or geographic distance. These students found a friendly and supportive ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV at ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV, countless opportunities to engage their interests and passions and they have thrived in a wide range of pursuits, both at the School and beyond. By donating to the Scholarship Fund, you can help ensure that these opportunities for deserving young people continue at ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV. Donations to this fund are tax deductible.

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ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV Endowment Fund

The ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV Endowment Fund aims to ensure the economic future of the School. Donations are invested in perpetuity to provide a future income stream designed to allow the School to go from strength to strength and take advantage of significant strategic opportunities, without having to significantly increase fees or rely on fluctuations in government funding. In the past, donors have bequeathed and donated funds to the Endowment Fund for both general and specific purposes. Donations to this fund are not tax deductible.

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ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV Community Exceptional Circumstances Fund

The ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV Community Exceptional Circumstances Fund provides an avenue for supporting those in our ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV that find themselves in extreme necessitous circumstances. Donations to this fund allow us to respond to ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV needs. Donations to this fund are tax deductible.

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ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV Cultural Trust

The ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV Cultural Trust supports the arts and cultural activities of ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV School and donations directly support these pursuits. Donations to this fund are not tax deductible.

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ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV Library Fund

The ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV Library Fund supports the ongoing resourcing of our library through books, information management and other resources. Donations to this fund allow us to develop and maintain significant learning resources available to our students and their wider families. Donations to this fund are tax deductible.

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Principal’s Bursary Fund

The Principal’s Bursary Fund was established to support families in the short term who are experiencing financial hardship. The fund operates wholly at the discretion of the Principal. Donations to this fund are not tax deductible.

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Patron's Special Projects Fund

The Patron's Special Projects Fund provides grants for innovative activities that broaden our students’ experiences. It has funded initiatives that have become much-loved ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV mainstay activities. Donations are not tax deductible.

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Sport at ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV

Tax deductible contributions in support of rowing at ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV may be made via our partners at the Australian Sports Foundation.

To support rowing at ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV