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The ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV Student Charter is a recently developed document that sits alongside our School Aims and guides students in the values important to ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV.

Created by the students, for the students, this peer-led document consists of seven written standards by which the students aim to model their principles across the three campuses within our School.

It is a reference point for students, allowing them to understand what it means to be a student at this School, as well as being a member of the broader ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV.

Senior School Student Charter

  1. Be active in creating a welcoming and inclusive ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV, which recognises diversity and embraces difference in sexuality, religion, gender, ability, appearance, age and race.
  2. Build respectful relationships that are underpinned by a commitment to safety, equality, consent, and decency. We understand that genuine relationships are born from respect, honesty, and integrity. This extends to our peers, teachers, professional services staff and environment.
  3. Encourage a culture that is dedicated to learning, passionate about individual endeavour and appreciates everyone’s unique strengths and abilities.
  4. Embrace connection in all its forms. When we are at ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV, we aim to foster and experience a sense of belonging that is built upon our duty of care to one another.
  5. Acknowledge the consequences and take responsibility for our individual and collective decisions. Speaking out on injustice is supported, yet we understand the courage required to challenge our peers.
  6. Be mindful of the social landscape and empower each other to enact meaningful and thoughtful change in the local, national, and global communities both in person and online.
  7. Explore the broad range of opportunities and experiences at ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV. We are appreciative, grateful, and motivated by these opportunities and encourage each other to embrace this privilege.

Middle School Student Charter

  1. Be active in creating a welcoming and inclusive ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV which embraces diversity and difference; in sexuality, religion, gender, physical ability, age and race.
  2. Build respectful relationships that are demonstrated by a commitment to equality, consent, and respect of others. We understand that genuine relationships are derived from respect, honesty, and integrity, which extends to our peers, teachers, professional services staff and environment. Inappropriate physical interaction has no place in our lives at ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV.
  3. Encourage a culture that is dedicated to learning, passionate about individual pursuits and interests and appreciates everyone’s unique strengths and abilities.
  4. Embrace friendship in all its forms. When we are at ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV, we aim to experience a sense of belonging that is built upon our care to one another.
  5. Acknowledge the consequences and take responsibility for our decisions both as individuals and as groups. When faced with injustice, having the courage to speak up is supported.
  6. Be mindful of the social environment and empower each other to demonstrate meaningful and thoughtful change in the local, national, and global communities both in person and online.
  7. Explore the broad range of opportunities and experiences at ÎÞÂëÁ÷³öAV. We will be appreciative, grateful, motivated and will encourage each other to embrace these offerings.

Junior School Student Charter

  1. Be caring and reflective to create a culture of belonging.
  2. Communicate and be open-minded to develop and grow relationships.
  3. Be courageous and balanced learners by engaging in inquiry.
  4. Be principled and think carefully about the impact of our actions.
  5. Be curious about people and the world.